Sunday, August 26, 2007

All thoughts herein are opinions only

I was talking to my mother this morning and she told me about a website called the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. It seems the belief of those is that we can phase out human beings gradually by ceasing to breed. There motto is "Live Long and Die Out." For some reason this brought me to the topic on media and its capabilities to brainwash and dumb down the younger generation. I am now 24 and I have friends that are younger than me, at least 16 or 17.
They are considered part of my generation, but I don't feel like we're one and the same generation. I decided that this feeling stems from the fact that (for writing purposes, I will consider this age difference two different generations) their generation has been raised on media, internet, and technology. While not all these facets are primordially evil, they do
contain an element which can start to make people dependent and unable to think for themselves. T.V. is an obvious one, people zone out and don't use their brain cells to grow and think worldly. Plus if you look at the crap that kids are watching today, it's no surprise at the lack of creativity. This idea of reality T.V. and dating shows brings another thought to mind that has to do with this first thought, but I will expound on the earlier one first. The internet has done some great things for many people. Hey, I'm an avid lover of the internet. I don't think I could live without it. And right there is my point, there used to be a time when I remember not ever having the internet. I was fine, I didn't need it. Now it is this awesome information highway (cliche) for many learning enthusiasts. It has also become another propaganda machine for the media and those in control to use and manipulate. How do we know what is
safe and what isn't? Who knows. You're still staring at a screen for hours on hours. What happened to physical activity and fresh air? I heard those things are very healthy and stimulating for the brain. Now my views on technology are similar to the internet. Yes, there is a great many things that have made life easier, such as the cell phone. But there again is the point. The younger generation being so raised on technology have become accustomed to having things done for them and in a timely fashion. What happened to the simple DIY attitude. I love it when I see kids all punked out with their local Hot Topic gear conversing on their newest Razor, or iPhone. Don't they realize that one of the founding principles of Punk is DIY.
I remember when cell phones didn't exist. I know that we were still able to communicate, maybe more then than now. Parents buy cellphones for their kids to keep track of them, but most of the time that kid can be found in their room yakking away about this weeks gossip. What ever happened to family time. When you become dependent on things the user no longer uses, but the user becomes used. Now all this forethought was brought
about by the idea that who ever is in charge, big brother, government, Illumanati, or what ever your "their, they, or them" consists of has the agenda of eventually doing out with the old and coming in with the new. To clarify they want to get rid of all the older free thinkers and create a new fresh generation of minions to do their bidding, be it war, consumerism, or what have you. They want a generation to be abiding, obliging, and unquestioning in their thoughts and actions. One theory is if you've noticed a lot of dating shows or even shows like the O.C. where sex among the youth is condoned, maybe this is not without reason or ulterior motives. Maybe it's their plan to promote breeding so that they can create their minions and never have an endless supply of "tools" at their disposal. It's just a thought to ponder. My mom's thought on this was that this was just impossible. She said that these youth have just not come into their own. It's just that they have not yet expressed themselves intellectually or maybe have not
been enlightened yet. This is a very valid point, but I counter with, who knows what is possible and what isn't. For all we know maybe the reason isn't for not yet having come into their own, but forced and controlled to remain at a stand still. Fear is one of the main ingredients of controlling people. Maybe the youth has been subliminally laced with fear through all their brainwashing media. Keeping people dumbed down, ignorant, and well occupied is another form of control. Without the masses thinking for themselves how are youth supposed to express themselves when they have not been exposed to the great thing called creativity or the idea of a free thinking life. Have you ever seen the movie called Animal Farm based on George Orwell's book. T.V. was used in that movie to brainwash, control, and basically make the other animals docile, while the head honchos formulated their plans into effect. They used T.V. to get the others to do all the dirty work while they sat all fat and happy on their lofty perches. So is it true? Who knows for sure, and I also ask, is it possible? I say in this day and age anything is possible.

If you are interested in the website mentioned in the beginning here it is.

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

(This website does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Lady Labyrinthine)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One Tin Soldier

Here is a music video that I made to "One Tin Soldier" by Coven. I hope you enjoy and please don't hesitate to leave a comment.


This is a cosmonology that I wrote and did the art for. I used the music "Bring me to Life" by Evanescence.

This movie is best viewed in full screen.

Invading the Individual Mind with My Imposing Thoughts

Why are we always so lonely. I've joined this forum for Gnostics, and no that isn't agnostic.
I read about all these enlightened peopled and their spiritual experiences.
Then moments later I read about their loneliness and how they are happy to have some sort of
connection to a community, even if it is online.
My thought is if someone has experienced true enlightenment and divinity
wouldn't they be okay with solitude.
Because in reality they know they are not truly alone.
Another thought is for those
claiming to already know the way and yet
grasp at companionship, must still be just as lost as the rest of us.
The good part in this blog is that if we can all come together even
through differences we can help each other attain
true happiness and maybe even enlightenment and truth in
our fellow human beings.

Thoughts that have come to my humbled mind.

Disclaimer: There are many typos and I care not to correct them.

Why can't i put all my thoughts in one
place, one book, and be acknowledged for
the truth and pain that i feel for life, humans,
and myself?

because I'm flawed.......

I'm human. and would i want to be god?
i don't think so, because if i have this
feeling of doubt and pain as a mere human i
cannot think how much more god feels. i say this
not as a heretic, but as someone who feels burden
how cannot god love his creation without burden.

is it because we cannot fathom god?

maybe, but if we are made in his likeness isn't
there a small amount of human feeling that is the
same as god's feeling. so if our insignificant
human feeling can feel pain and sorrow for man
kind, how can we not say that god does not feel
this very same way about something that he has made
with his own abilities.

In all my experience with humans, and the
pain that they have caused me I've never
expressed my anger. I'm angry for the
way things have turned out in my life.
angry for where i am and angry at
every waking thought that my mind procures
but then i think how can i feel this anger
when it has brought me so much happiness
my husband, my daughter and the good
things that have happened to me in my
life that others will never never ever
experience in this life or the next.
It's like Jesus. there cannot be love
without pain. there cannot be hope and
justification (justice, and freedom and love)
without sacrifice. why are the holy always
lost and confused yet after death they
bring nothing but hopes and dreams for
others to build their goals and lives upon,
and still have the
knowledge and truth that others
have always struggled to achieve
I think of the word Martyr because
Bryan mentioned it. That's all they are
sufferers who know the truth and pain
first hand yet still willingly give of themselves
so that others may find the path
that leads to ultimate freedom.

why am i most creative when I'm inebriated
with the thing i despise most. The thing
that i wish to ignore and disregard.

Is that a symbol for life?

you cannot have the good with out the bad.
cliche, i know and even the phrase cliche is cliche
but truly i would not have these moments of
brilliance without the aid of alcohol.

Talk show hosts and religion

I can't stand when you are watching a show or listening to a talk show and the host
just goes completely off on the other person. Yes, that other person may have a
different view than the host, but that's what is great about conversation is back and
forth flow of different ideas. I was listening to this talk show about a Muslim man
defending Islam. The host was being so irrational to the point that he wouldn't even
let the other man speak. One of the hosts reason for hating Islams and considering
it a cult was due to what has been seen on the news. Here's a question. Don't people
realize that news show are just another television show that needs ratings and they
pick and choose what they consider to be news. Anyway, I digress, my original ranting
was on the fact that all religions have fanatics and have zealots. You can't always
judge a religion on a few assholes that don't correctly represent what a religion was
supposed to be for.

Thanks for reading,
Lady Labyrinthine

Thoughts on Hobbies and Interests!

So here is the deal. I had an earlier blog with Live Journal. I didn't really like the outlay of it all so I changed my blog to over here. I am going to enter the first four entries on this page. This is a way to keep track of my posts and writings.

For my first entry I would like to explain more about some of my hobbies.

I like, no scratch that I love my family, anime, manga, punk music (all though these days it is truly dead, although my friend and I keep holding on to a glimmer of hope that it is still alive), I love Anti-Flag, my favorite political punk band of all times. I like to crochet, I love Opera and musicals, especially Wicked, of course I like the book a lot too. I read a lot, I love Harry Potter, but I'm not so addicted that I go to the midnight party, dress up, and wait in line over night for the movie. I love the internet. (Yay net neutrality) I like religion a lot as well. I always feel this emptiness in me that I truly believe can only be filled by a higher power. Right now I'm very interested in the Baha'i Faith. If you have any questions theological, I do love a good conversation.

I have one random thought for everyone that reads this....

Money does not exist. It exists in our mind. It is a man made image and belief. It has become a constraint to the human spirit. A deadening weight that cannot be lifted. We must remember all that exists is life. So we must embrace this life and break the chains that money has shackled us with. We must turn to each other and lift the weights of adversity for each other so that humanity may go on existing.

Thank you for reading,
Lady Labyrinthine